Friday, September 16, 2011

Boston...Here I Come!!!

All during 8th period me, Sherien, Michelle B., Loren, and Shafira were talking about the collage trip to Boston in November that we were informed of earlier that day. We talked about Cholas(people who put on a lot of make up who look so stupid in it), the trip, and other weird stuff that 13 and 14 year olds probably shouldn't be talking about. We decided who'd we sit with on the bus over to Boston, who our roomies would be and how we would find ways to hang out together, even though that probably won't be hard because not all the classes are going together, so it's just a small group of 40 students, so it won't be organized by classes. I hope that all 5 of us can room together, even if one gets put in like a room next door or a room a few doors down, then that person can always grab a blanket and pillow and go to the other room  with the rest of the 4 of us. I kinda hope that's me for some reason, because rooming with a bunch of loud, crazy, curious, giggling girls might not be the best idea. Even if they get put together and I'm not with them, then it'll be okay, as long as Lexy(my arch nemesis) isn't a roommate of mine, because if she is, I might just ended up having a dead roommate in the morning(if you know what I mean).Besides that I can't wait, but the cost of the trip is $175 and it's on the whole first come first serve basis, which kind of sucks, and I'm worried my mom may not have the money, so she won't let me go, because I know she would LOVE to get rid of me for a weekend. 3 of the 5 people are already going, me and Sherien are the only ones who have the parents who might not have the money to go, or don't want us to go. So worried, I have to go, I just HAVE to! BOSTON...HERE I COME!!! ^_^

My Best moving!

My best friend, Rebecca Paris!!! It is Friday and she told me in 2nd period, in the beginning of chorus. She told me that this is going to be her last year in America, that she's moving in the summer. That she will come back from Paris for collage, hopefully she will stay. She told me I was the last one of the friends she told because she wanted to make sure. I was so angry and upset and sad and mopey and depressed and furious. It feels like someone punched me straight in the gut and I can't seem to catch my breath. For the rest of chorus I was on the verge of crying, constantly tearing up. My stomach hurt and I was feeling so light-headed from the shock. How come Paris? Why now? Will she even remember us when she gets back? Why was I the last one to find out? I was the last one to find out, why? Why? Why? WHY!? ...why does she have to leave??? I still can't figure out these feelings I have for her, but they're driving me crazy, and I'm too shy about them to talk to her directly about these feelings. When she is with a guy who, by my opinion isn't treating her right, I get pissed. When she hangs out with other people besides me, I feel...angry. When a guy, or guys hurt her in any way, I'm feel like just shooting them point blank to the forehead with an AK47, or better yet, throw a grenade at them. I'm confused, and scared, and nervous, and anxious, and I can't really go to anyone, what should I do about these feelings? Then in the hallway, I see my friend, Joelle who also found out earlier than me, so I asked why SHE hadn't told me sooner and her response was, "Rebecca didn't wants anyone to tell you until she was sure, I'm sorry." At that point I was so upset, that I felt like I would explode to the next person to tick me off, so I just walked away with an expression on my face that I knew even she couldn't figure out, biting my lip so hard that I thought it would start bleeding. I walked to science, where I then had to deal with my horrible science teacher, Dr. Coppola. After that at lunch I went to the library to quit being yelled at by the librarian, Ms. Lucivero. I was her monitor last year, but I wasn't going to be her monitor this year, not after the way she'd been treating my lately. When passing by the library, she was standing out front, and I simply told her that I quit, and I didn't want to be a monitor anymore. With that I headed downstairs to the lunchroom, where a few minutes later they let all of us out into the courtyard to play handball and relax. I played for a while and when it was time to go in I naturally...did. The rest of the day went smoothly. Period 5-Spanish, Periods6&7-Literacy, Period 8-Gym(which we spent in the auditorium, because the girls gym was being used for voting about something).